Transparent management

Attestations and survey grids

Survey and attestation grids

All. 1.4. attestation document

Summary sheet

Annual accounts

Budget 3AMILANO 2021

3AMILANO 2022 budget

Consolidated Financial Statements

Sereni Orizzonti 2019 budget

Sereni Horizons 2020 Budget

Sereni Orizzonti 2021 budget

Sereni Orizzonti 2022 budget

Sereni Orizzonti 2023 budget

Service charters

Waiting list

The criteria for the placement of guests in the socio-medical residences are defined by the different regional procedures in force and by the indications contained in the various conventions. In the regions where the guest is given the right to choose the facility he or she wishes to go to, the procedure provides for a preliminary assessment of the application by the facility management and the competent social-healthcare figures. The inclusion of the guest in the waiting list is the result of the evaluation of several criteria, i.e. the chronological order of the application and the health and social needs of the future guest.

Emilia Romagna

Friuli-Venezia Giulia









Class action

Register 2021

Register 2022

Register 2023

Register 2024

Transparency, civic access


Generalised civic access (Article 5(2) of Legislative Decree No. 33/2013) concerns data, documents and information that are additional to those that the company is obliged to publish, in compliance with the limits relating to the protection of legally relevant interests and with legal prohibitions.
The person responsible for generalised civic access is the structure director.
The request for generalised civic access pursuant to Article 5(2) of Legislative Decree No. 33/2013 must identify the data, information or documents requested and may be submitted alternatively:
- 1. To the e-mail address accessocivico@sereniorizzonti.It
- 2. In person at the address of the udo of reference



Simple civic access (Article 5(1) of Legislative Decree No. 33/2013) relates to data, documents and information that are subject to mandatory publication, if their publication has been omitted.
The person responsible for simple civic access is the structure director.
The request for simple civic access pursuant to Article 5(1) of Legislative Decree No. 33/2013 must identify the data, information or documents requested and may be submitted alternatively:
- 1. To the e-mail address accessocivico@sereniorizzonti.It
- 2. In person at the address of the udo of reference


Reporting form pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/2023
