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Come operiamo


Design and Construction

We carry out analyses of local requirements and construct residential healthcare facilities for the elderly to high architectural and home automation standards with a minimum delay, wholly funded by private investment and in conjunction with local authorities.


Service Management

We manage care homes for the elderly, specialist centres for the disabled and residential care facilities for young people, with a quality, human approach, providing highly-qualified services for the people in our care. We put people at the centre of our business.


Public-Private Partnerships

We participate in tenders and project financing bids to construct and manage residential facilities in partnership with local authorities. We buy plots of publicly-owned land for planning and building healthcare facilities, often funded wholly by private investment.
We take over the sections of publicly-owned companies responsible for managing care homes.
We provide technical, legal and financial consultancy to public authorities in planning joint schedules for the provision of healthcare facilities and services all over Italy.


Resources for the local area

We invest resources in the construction of residential healthcare facilities, responding to market demands and local authority requirements and providing both accommodation and jobs in the local area.